Could Mold be the Root of your Chronic Illness?


Mold Illness

Did you even know that mold could be living in your body and wreaking havoc on your health? I never did until I discovered it was the root cause of my years of “Mystery Illnesses” and Symptoms. Now I’ve made it part of my mission to help people discover and treat this horrible health condition.

Mold illness comes from living or working in a water damaged building. You don’t need to have seen mold in your home for it to be a problem. Mold can grow anywhere there is food for it and moisture. Commonly this can happen in bathrooms, laundry rooms, closets, attics, under kitchen sinks etc. I never lived or worked in a place where I saw mold, but I still tested positive for Mycotoxins.

Mold is always around us, it’s normal to have some minute mold exposure. People get ill from it when it’s out of control in their living or working environments. Mold’s job is to decompose things, but when it gets in your body and colonizes it starts to decompose you! Mycotoxins, which are a byproduct of mold, are incredibly inflammatory and carcinogenic. They create systemic inflammation and can damage nearly every system in your body. So the number of symptoms you can have from Mold exposure are endless.

Common Symptoms from Mold exposure:

  • Chronic Sinusitis

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

  • Brain Fog

  • Autoimmune Disease

  • POTS

  • Food Sensitivities

  • Low or High Blood Pressure

  • Frequent Urination, water just goes through you

  • Metallic Taste in your mouth

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Impotence/Infertility

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • Internal Vibration Feeling

  • Lyme or SIBO that won’t resolve with treatment

  • The List could go on. . .

If you believe this could be the root of your health issue, you’ve found someone who believes you, and will help.

After becoming an established patient with us, the First step is testing you for Mycotoxins:

We test for Mycotoxins through an at home Urine test. The lab we use at our office is Vibrant America. We usually order a combination test called Total Tox Burden. This tests for Mycotoxins, Environmental Toxins, and Heavy Metals.

Doing this test was the best money I’ve ever spent on my health. Since I found Mycotoxins in my body, I’ve been able to test nearly every member of my family and found that they have also been effected. Their symptoms weren’t as severe as mine, most considered themselves fairly healthy. This could have saved them from major health concerns later in life. My parents also discovered mold in their home. This test could change your life for the better.

After you send your urine test in, it takes about two-three weeks to get back from the lab. *We only run tests for patients doing our 4 Month Functional Medicine subscription. Check out our Functional Medicine page for more info.

Treatments can take anywhere from 12-24 months depending on how severe and how sensitive your body is. The amount of time you were exposed also tends to play a part in this. The treatment is tailored to you specifically and includes: Acupuncture, Herbs, and Supplements.


So How Does Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Fit into this?

MCAS is idiopathic, which means that there hasn’t been a determined cause of it. I’m finding that more and more patients are being affected by this condition.

When you have a chronic infection in your body like, Mold, Lyme, SIBO, or gut Dysbiosis, your body is constantly on high alert dealing with these infections. This can dysregulate the immune system, and cause hypersensitivity.

Hypersensitivity is a main symptom of MCAS.


  • Anaphylaxis

  • Low Blood Pressure

  • Throat Swelling

  • Itching

  • Hives/Rashes

  • Flushing

  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

  • Food Intolerances

  • Histamine Intolerance

I’ve found my patients with MCAS, often have Mold Illness and their MCAS symptoms have improved with treatment.

Continuing Education Classes Taken on the Subject: